After being away for most of July, my modest proposal for August is to post to this blog three times a week. Life gets crazy around the Tryon household, but three posts a week I think I can handle.

Modesty is a good thing. We all like it, at least in other people. False modesty we don't like; it's more like puffery in modest guise. Or it is the timidity of someone so overwhelmed by their shortcomings that they are unable to act on their strengths.

Modesty walks hand in hand with appropriateness, especially in the realm of ones clothing or lack thereof.

Modesty has a lot to do with honesty, with realistic self-appraisal. Whether I am a person of greater ability or lesser, it is recognizing that all that I have is a gift, and really, many gifts, gifts that comes with the responsibility to develop them and use them well.

Modesty is recognizing that, yes, as a matter of fact, I am God's gift to the world, but so are all those other people God's gifts to the world.

For which we give thanks.
Behind the fence - July 2014
Upper Falls at Letchworth State Park

Where would I be as a photographer without the handiwork of God and people to photograph, and even an occasional missing rail?

Argus C3 Brick, red filter
Ilford Delta 400 Professional
Negative scan worked up in the Gimp