Warmth is wonderful, hot is not. Cool is comforting, cold gets old. #writewellness @magnoliayogabr
One of my favorite items in my morning prayers is the recitation of the Benedictus, the Song of Zechariah, father of John the Baptizer. It is a combination of psalm of praise and and prophecy. It c...
Be content. Be compassionate. Hold on to hope. For without hope, contentment and compassion are no more than dry leaves driven by the winter wind. #writewellness @magnoliayogabr
Soup is good for the soul. We chuckle at the incongruity of the statement even as we recognize its truth, especially when the day is cold and the soup warm and nourishing. The warmth enters into ...
There is a strange sense of calm that occurs when one is too stiff and sore and tired to do much of anything and realizes that that is perfectly ok. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and...
An invocation addressed to God, to others, and to oneself. To God, the other, and myself I say, "Be here. Now. I need you here." To myself, especially, I say, "I need you here in this moment, not...
Two pints of good craft beer at Lost Borough or Rohrbach Brewing can leave me feeling remarkably serene, and there is nothing wrong with that - as long as someone else is driving me home or I plan ...
The Oxford English Dictionary says: sacred /ˈseɪkrɪd / ▸ adjective connected with God or a god or dedicated to a religious purpose and so deserving veneration ▪ religious rather than secular ▪ (of...
Thomas Merton has a short and delightful chapter on distractions in New Seeds of Contemplation. In a serious book it is a chapter to be read with a chuckle. In effect, says he, distractions happen,...
The writing prompt for today was "rest". And so I did.